Engage small business owners your competition can't reach.

SMB Leads is the most extensive and accurate search engine for small business contact info.

Built for sales-people by sales people

The market is flooded with complicated scrapers, csv. files and lots of Excel sheets. SMB Leads is one simple search which gives you the maximum data on each small business on the web.


5+ Data-Sources

We aggregate multiple reliable and mainstream data sources to maximise the amount of data on each small business.

Best Email & Phone

Small Business contact info isn't simple. Not everyone business uses a personal email. We use AI to interpret what the best email and phone for each company is.

Data Cleanse

On each search, we pull out all of the data available and use AI to dedupe results, clean company names so that it is ready for engagement.

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We are giving out 30% discounts to our beta testers as a thank you for supporting us.

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